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Problems and Prospects of Poultry Rearing in Lagelu Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria

B.O. Fadimu
IG Akinyemi
O.A. Ogundimu
M.O. Lawal
G.A. Adeyomoye
T.J. Akinlabi


World poultry production is increasing yearly yet the demand for the products has not been met. This study assessed the problems and prospects of poultry rearing in Lagelu Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. The study was carried out among poultry farmers with interview schedule of Eighty (80) farmers using structured questionnaires. The study examined social characteristics of poultry farmers, benefits of poultry production, needs and constraints of poultry production in the study area. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to analyze data. The study revealed that 73.80% of the respondents were males and 26.20% were females, 52.60% had tertiary education, 36.20% had secondary school education and 11.20% had primary school education. The result showed that 67.50% of the respondents had increase in egg production, 15.00% had average increase in egg production and 17.50% had no increase in egg production. The respondents had maximum income benefit with 15.00% always having high income, 51.20% low income and 33.80% indicated indifference in their income. In this research work, the poultry farmers shows various needs to boost their production, where 91.20% have problems of good storage facilities, 92.50% with problems of pest and disease control, 88.80% request for training for farmers and 53.8% aimed at credit facilities. The major problems that poultry farmers encounter in the study area are  inadequate capital (100.00%), pest and disease (100.00%), lack of credit facilities (100.0%) and high cost of feeding (80.0%) of the respondents.

Keywords: Poultry, production, farmers, problems, constraints

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502