The purpose of this paper is to create awareness on the significance of integrated fish farming in organic waste reclamation, recycling and re-use. Example of integrated fish farming practiced at a micro-level in the Niger Delta of Nigeria is crop-snailry-poultry (Chicken) – livestock (pig) – cum-fish production. In this system, fish production remains the most important activity. The organic wastes reclaimed, recycled and re-used in this system are: plant matter, chicken and pig excrements; snail, oyster and periwinkle shells, ox blood and bone, fish wastes, palm kernel cake, groundnut cake, pond silt and aquatic fern, Azolla pinnata. Other reclaimable, recyclable and re-usable materials are also discussed in this paper. Integrating organic waste reclamation, recycling and re-use in integrated fish farming with treatment, incineration, landfill and composting will help to drastically reduce waste in both rural and urban areas.
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 10 (3) 2006: 47-53