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Short Communication - Aquatic Oil Pollution Impact Indicators

V N Enujiugha
L C Nwanna


Aquatic oil pollution impact indicators such as oil-grease, low dissolved oxygen concentration, increased biochemical oxygen demand, increased water temperature and acidity of the water are associated with aquatic habitat degradation, reduced productivity and or loss of biodiversity. These impact indicators are interrelated and connected in a chain reaction that a severe shift in any of the parameters will induce negative changes in others. For instance, introduction of significant quantities of crude oil into the aquatic ecosystem will cause increase in biochemical oxygen demand, reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration, increased temperature and pH of the water body. The resultant effect of these abnormal shifts in the impact indicators is disorders in the physiological status and reduction in the immune status of aquatic organisms, which may lead to mortality. Therefore to ensure sustainable management and optimum exploitation of the aquatic resources, it is necessary to set safe limits for the pollution impact indicators. This paper reviews the deleterious impacts of these indicators on the aquatic habitat and productivity, and establishes the safe limits for each impact indicator in relation to the freshwater, brackish water and marine ecosystems.

Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 8 (2) 2004: 71-75