The influence of lablab on maize grain and fodder (stover) yield was investigated during the early and late cropping seasons of 1998 and 1999, at Onne, in the humid forest zone of Nigeria. Lablab was simultaneously planted in maize the same day and also undersown in maize at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after maize planting (WAP) while sole maize and sole lablab were used as control. Simultaneous planting reduced maize grain yield by 40-63% relative to the sole maize crop while higher grain yield was obtained when undersowing of lablab was delayed beyond 2 WAP. Unlike maize grain yield, highest lablab DM fodder yield was obtained when maize and lablab were simultaneously planted, and declined progressively with delayed undersowing of lablab while maize fodder yield was not affected by time of lablab undersowing. Time of lablab undersowing positively influence total fodder (maize + lablab) yield. When fed to livestock, rate of digestibility was higher in lablab fodder than the maize fodder, indicating that lablab fodder enhanced the digestibility of lablab-maize forage. Undersowing of lablab in maize not latter than 4 WAP, effectively controlled weed infestation in the intercrops than undersowing later.
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 8 (2) 2004: 45-50