Maize ogi was fortified with defatted and roasted okra seed meals at substitution levels of 0,10 and 20%. Dry matter recovery levels during production of ogi, raw and roasted okra seed meals were 98.9, 97.3 and 94.7%, respectively. Okra - fortification of ogi at 20% level using defatted and roasted meals increased crude protein content by 122 and 106%, respectively. Ash content was increased by 2 - to 5 - fold due to the fortification. The fat content of samples fortified with 10 and 20% roasted okra seed meal were increased by 1.5 and 2.2%, respectively. Ogi supplemented with roasted okra seed meal had higher viscosities during heating and cooling cycles than samples fortified with the defatted meal. The former samples also had slightly higher sensory scores for colour and taste although all fortified samples were acceptable.
Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management Vol. 8 (2) 2004: 23-28