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Information Needs of Youths involved in Urban Agriculture as Strategy for Checking Unemployment in Epe Lga of Lagos State, Nigeria
agriculture in Epe LGA of Lagos state, Nigeria. Data was generated by means of structured questionnaire from 140 respondents and analyzed with frequency counts, percentages, means and chi-square was used for hypothesis testing. Most (50.7%) were males, majority (71.4%) were unemployed. Most (54.3%) need information on crop production, 35.0% source agriculture information through extension agents, urban agriculture can be a solace for unemployed (X = 4.27) was a high perception. Vegetable (X =3.52), maize (X = 3.47), cassava (X = 3.23) and fish production (X 4.12) was their major agricultural tasks. Unemployment was caused by laziness, lack of knowledge and god-fatherism. Respondents’
level of education (x2 = 13.465: p< 0.05) and primary occupation (x2 = 7.125: p<0.05) had significant association with their perceived information needs. It was recommended that the department of agriculture in Epe LGA and the Lagos state Agricultural Development Programme (ADP) should provide youths with information needed in agriculture especially crops and fish production where interest have been indicated. © JASEM