Climatic change impact is envisaged to lead to increase in the frequency of occurrence of floods. This study examined the effect of flooding on fishermen’s families in Pedro village, Iwaya, Lagos. A total of 50 fishermen living in Pedro Community, Iwaya-Lagos, Nigeria were interviewed using structured questionnaires that were distributed through a simple random sampling technique. Data collected were summarized and computed using descriptive statistics. Results showed that flooding was a dominant seasonal climatic factor. Seventy-six percent of the respondents stated that flooding distorted the fishing business, destroyed fishing implements and impacted negatively on their social life. Flooding also interrupted children’s schooling, increased environmental pollution, reduced fish catch and consequently family income and also increased the occurrence of water borne diseases. Most (96%) of the respondents would not like their children to continue with fishing and will opt out if they get alternative means of livelihood. The tudy recommended that efforts to remedy the adverse effects of flooding should include provision of alternative skill development and affordable health services for treatment of water born diseases. © JASEM