Wheat, Yam, Cassava and Corn flour obtained during fortnightly interval for three months in Benin City, Edo State, were investigated for the occurrence and relative abundance of various insect pests. Six species of insect pests were recorded. They includes, Tribolium castaneum, sitophilus oryzae, Dinoderus porcellus, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Araecerus fasciaculatus and tenebrioides mauritanicus. The infestation survey shows Trilobolium castaneun as a major pest of wheat flour. Other insect pests found are Tenebrioides mauritanicus and Dinoderus porcellus as indicated by their mean number and Percentage abundance of individual species in this study but Sitophilus oryzae does not thrive in wheat flour. Araecerus fasciaculatus is the major pest of yam and cassava flours while infestation of Tribolium castanuen in Corn flour was the highest. Oryzaephilus surinamensis and Sitophilus oryzae occur sporadically in flours. © JASEM