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Comparative Analysis of Profitability of Layers Production in Esan North East and Ovia North East Local Government Areas of Edo State, Nigeria
point of lay in Esan North East and Ovia North East Areas of Edo State. A simple random sampling of 135 poultry farmers was carried out in the study area in order to generate data for the analysis. Data collected were analyzed using Net Profit (NP), Gross Margin (GM), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Rate of Return on Investment (RRI), Rate of Return on Fixed Cost
(RRFC), Rate of Return on Variable Cost (RRVC) and Return per Naira invested (R/N) and . Results of the study showed that the business of layers production was profitable and viable in the study area with the following mean indices; BCR =N1.39, RRI=N138.67, RRFC=N2,097.12 RRVC N139.43 and R/N= N0.41 in. the mean gross revenue for the respondents was computed as N7,324,350, with a gross margin of N2,144,638.00 and net profit was N2,042,371.96. Result of the regression analysis showed that three of the eight explanatory variables contributed significantly to income earned from poultry business; these are fixed cost (P <0.10), layers mash (P < 0.01) and miscellaneous expenses (P <0.05). © JASEM