Activities and constraints of artisanal fishers in the Lower Taylor Creek in the Niger Delta Area were studied for a period of one year (January–December 2011). Data was obtained from a sample of 150 selected artisanal fishers cutting across the major fishing communities in the area namely Asingbene, Okolobiri, Obunagha, Koroama and Polaku. A two stage random sampling technique was used in the selection of fishers. Instrument used in gathering information from the fishers was structured interview schedule. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentages. The results revealed that 42.22% of the fishers were within the active age range of 31–40 years while 4.44% were within the non-active age range (51 – 60 years). Male fishers recorded 72.22% while 27.78% were females. The survey showed that 30.00% had no formal education indicating that the level of illiteracy is high among the fishers while 3.33% had tertiary education. Most of the fishers (98.89%) used crafts such as paddles and canoes while 1.11% used outboard engines. Commonest gear used included traps (45.56%) hook and longline (5.56%). The most pressing constraints faced by fishers include lack of potable water, epileptic power supply and no good markets. Therefore, basic social infrastructures should be provided for the artisanal fishing communities in order to promote their social lives, welfare, standard of living and the capacity to have sustainable fishing activities in the interest of food security and poverty alleviation.
Keywords: Challenges, condition, small-scale fishers, Taylor Creek, Niger Delta
Journal of Aquatic Sciences 28 (1): 1-8 (2013)