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Aspects of limnological studies of Tagwai dam, Minna, Niger state, Nigeria

RJ Kolo
MD Tukura


The seasonal variations in the physico-chemical characteristics of Tagwai dam in relation to their potential for fish production were studied for twelve months. Five sampling stations were located on the reservoir. The stations were established based on the major tributaries to the reservoir and
importance of site. Water samples from the surface water were taken once every month. The samples were then transported in cool ice chest to the laboratory for further analysis. Dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity, alkalinity and water hardness were the parameters determined in the  laboratory, while temperature and transparency were determined in situ. The results revealed that the physico-chemical variables were influenced by season although not influenced by site. There were positive and negative correlations between the physico-chemical parameters studied but none of the relation was significant at P<0.05.

Keywords: Lirnnological studies, Physico-chemical, Tagwai dam, Niger state, Nigeria.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8779