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Effects of net hapa on the survival of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) fry from different broodstock sizes

SM Tsadu
A Visa
0S Ogubude


The effects of net hapa on the survival of fry from diffe rent brood stock sizes of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) was investigated in indoor aquaria for five weeks. Net hapa was incorporated to facilitate the separation of hatch lings from unhatched eggs and shells. The use of incubating net hapa with kakabans inside did not have any effect on incubation period, hatch ing and survival of the hatch lings. The eggs hatched normally with in 24 hours at temperature range of26 -27"C. Ninety eight percent (98%) hatch ing was achieved. Survival of hatchlings was enhanced because  pollution due to decaying eggshells and unhatched eggs was eliminated. The survival rate of hatchlings from the three diffe rent broodstock sizes were 22.7%, 24.1% and 31 .9% for 500g ,350g and 250g broodstocks respectively. There was significant diffe rence (P < 0.05) in survival rate of hatchlings from different sizes of broodstocks. Fecundity obtained from the broodstocks was 42.972; 50,925 and 80,878 for 250g, 350g and 500g brood stocks respectively.

KEYWORDS: hatchling, net hapa, incubation, brood stock, fry survival.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8779