The Journal of Aquatic Sciences publishes articles on problems and issues in Aquatic Sciences from all parts of the world.
The journal accepts for publication manuscripts of very high international standard containing reports of original scientific research.
Acceptable topics include aquatic biology, aquatic resources management, aquatic ecotoxicology and pollution, fish physiology, nutrition, health, breeding, population dynamics, fish processing and preservation.

Categories of articles include the following:
Full research papers must not exceed 18 manuscript pages including Tables, Figures and Plates.
Short communications are result but highly significant research findings. Manuscript must not exceed 8 pages, must have an abstract, but may omit the usual headings of full research papers.
The Editorial Board will solicit invited papers. Only original, unpublished articles not under consideration for publication elsewhere should be submitted. Articles must be technically sound and written in English. The review of manuscript is extensive, meticulous and thorough. Manuscript should be prepared according to the Journal's standard and instructions.

1. Organize manuscript for submission as follows:
Title page – title must be concise. Author's name and affiliation should be on this page.
Abstract - should be a brief summary (max.: 200 words) of the research findings.
Key words - at the abstract page, a maximum of 5. Introduction – lays out the problem addressed and current level of knowledge.
Materials and Methods – includes all crucial information to allow replication of the study
Results – gives concise summary of data in Tables and Figures (including Plates if applicable)
Discussion, Conclusion (if necessary), Acknowledgement (if any), References.
2. Manuscripts should be typewritten on one side of A4-sized paper (210 ´ 297 mm). Typing should be double-spaced with at least 3 cm margins. All scientific names should be underlined or italicized
3. S1 Units should be used. Use superscripts or subscripts instead of bar (/) for compound units (example: 56 g.m-2 instead of 56 g/m2, 70 t ha-1.year-1 instead of 70 t/ha/year).
4. Table - authors are requested to ensure that the typed tables should be made to get into quarto size paper. Titles to tables should be typed at the top of the table page. All tables must be numbered in Greek numerals and referred to sequentially in the text.
5. Figures - These must be submitted in triplicate (one original on translucent tracing paper or computer lazer printed). The size of the paper should not be more than the A4 size and margins should be at least 4 cm. Lettering should be in Indian ink or computer generated with lazer quality. Figure titles should be at the bottom of figures. All figures must be numbered using Greek numerals and referred to sequentially in the text. Plates - only black-and-white photographs would be accepted for publication. Photographs should be in glossy paper and should not exceed 20 cm x 25 cm. Plates should be properly labelled.
6. References - all publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of references following the manuscript.
Please use the following system for arranging references:- Journal/periodicals: Omoregie, E., Eseyin, T. G. and Ofojekwu, P. C. (1994). Chronic effects of formalin on erythrocyte counts and plasma glucose of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Asian Fisheries Science 7: 1 - 6. Text books: Anthony, A D. (1982). Taxonomy of Tropical Cichlids, First Edition. Jos University Press, Jos, Nigeria. 28 pp. Chapter in books: Mulcahy, M. F. (1975). Fish blood changes associated with disease. In: The Pathology of Fishes (Ed.: W. E. Ribelin and C. Migaki). University of Wisconsin, USA. 925 - 944

Submit at first instance three copies of manuscript. After the review process submit two copies including the reviewed copies. In addition, submit a computer file of the revised manuscript. The computer file should be in PC-DOS compatible format (using either WordPerfect® or Microsoft Word® processor).
All manuscripts should be addressed to:
Dr. E. Omoregie, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Aquatic Sciences, Fisheries and Hydrobiology Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Jos, Nigeria. (E-mail:;;

A page charge of N1000.00 (US$50.00/£30.00) per printed page would be contributed by author(s) of all accepted manuscripts(s). The page charge maybe altered at any time without pre-information. Author(s) are entitled to only ten reprints of their article

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 0189-8779
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