1. Criteria for Submission
All articles submitted to the Journal of Advocacy, Research and Education (JARE) must strictly
adhere to all our publication standards and protocols. Failure to do so will lead to the
REJECTION of the paper by the Editor-in-Chief.
 Each submitted paper must accompany a letter to the Editor-in-Chief, agreeing to all the
terms of JARE. 
 Authors have to carefully read through these guidelines before commencing their
submission process.
 All submissions must be sent in English. Each manuscript must be sent as a single
document in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx). Please note that PDF files SHALL
NOT be accepted for submission.
 Submissions in all disciplines may include results of empirical research, case studies,
short reports, commentaries, correspondence, and all types of reviews.
 Any article containing gross grammatical or typographical errors SHALL NOT be
 Each manuscript must include an abstract (of approximately 150-250 words) and
keywords (of not less than five (5) words/phrases).
 All manuscripts, including tables, figures, other illustrations and references, must strictly
adhere to the existing publication manual of the American Psychological Association
2. Manuscript format
Before submission, every effort should be made to conceal any clue as to the author’s identity
from the main manuscript. Authors should anonymise their papers using the “Inspect Document”
function to remove document properties and personal information before submitting them to the
 The submitted article should include a cover page with the name of the author(s), the
institutional affiliation(s) of the author(s), the contact email(s) of the authors and the date
of submission.
 All submissions must be double (2.0) line spaced and should not be more than 40 double-
spaced pages.
 Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
 Do not use field functions.
 Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
 Use the equation editor or MathType for equations.
 Save your file in Docx format (Word 2007 or higher)
 All abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
  Use the Microsoft Office Word table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.

 Based on JARE’s editorial policy on plagiarism, improper citations and all forms of
dishonesty, when identified, shall result in the REJECTION of the manuscript.
 All submissions should be mailed to the Editor-In-Chief at: jacob.sarfo@cherkasgu.press
General Outline of Manuscripts
All prospective authors must try to download recently published articles from our archives to
serve as their guides. In general, manuscripts submitted to the JARE must have the following
 Title of the manuscript
 Details of Investigators (Title, Name [First Name, Middle Name, SURNAME must be
capitalised], Qualification[s], ORCID, Institution, Postal Address, Telephone, Email
 Abstract [200-250 words]
 Keywords
 Introduction
 Materials and Methods
 Results
 Discussion
 Limitations
 Implications of the study
 Conclusion
 List of abbreviations (if any)
 Declarations
 Ethics approval and consent to participate
 Consent for publication
 Availability of data and materials
 Conflict of interest statement
 Funding
 Authors’ contributions
 Acknowledgements
 Authors’ information (optional)
 References [in-text citations and final reference list must adhere to a Modified APA
style. Please see our Archives for examples in our published papers].
Copyright Permission

 All authors submitting their manuscripts to the JARE confirm that the submitted works
represent original contributions that have not been plagiarised in part or whole from other
 All authors own unrestricted copyrights and are responsible for any burden of proof in
relation to their work.
 No portion of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a recovery system or
transferred, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without prior permission, in writing, from the respective author(s)
or the publisher, Centre for Behaviour and Wellness Advocacy [formerly KAD
International] or the Editor-in-Chief.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2508-1055
print ISSN: 2410-4981