This study examined the dimension and determinants of poverty among fishing communities in Southwestern Nigeria using FGT techniques and logit regression analysis. Findings show that the age of the fishermen ranges from 30 to 72 and that the business is male dominated. The most poverty-susceptible age group is 51 to 60 years and households headed by females. The significant determinants of poverty among fishermen are level of education, child dependency ratio, other business income (P≤0.01), marital status, catch per month, initial capital outlay (P≤0.05) and income from fishing activities (P≤0.01). It is suggested that measures that would build capacity among fishermen be encouraged, such as provision of assistance to fishermen through cooperative associations and the facilitation of credit facilities and education for the respondents
JARD Vol. 5 (2) 2006: pp. 129-139