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Economics of paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) production under different nitrogen fertilizer placement in Talata Mafara, Nigeria

M. Yahqub
B.D. Tarfa
I.Y. Amapu
I. Haliru


Rice is one of the main staple food crops and its demand is rapidly increasing in Nigeria. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer is one of the key inputs in rice production, associated with widespread N deficiency. This study examined the economics of rice production under different N-fertilizer placement at various rates. The experiment was conducted at the Institute for Agricultural Research (IAR) Station, Talata Mafara to estimate the appropriate form and level of N-fertilizer application that will produce the most profitable yield in a dryland savanna. The study involved the use of Urea Super Granule (USG) and Granular Urea (GU) at different rates (0, 45.1, 72.2, 117.3 kg N/ha) with three varieties of rice (FARO 55, FARO 57 and FARO 52) as test crops. The experimental design adopted was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated thrice. Data were collected on growth and yield parameters; plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, number of panicles, total biomass, straw yield, grain yield and 1,000 grain weight. All data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the mixed model procedure of statistical analysis system (SAS). Differences between treatment means were compared using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Results from the trial showed that application of USG and GU at different rates were statistically similar but different with the control. Economic analysis of rice production revealed that application of USG at 117.3 kg N/ha on FARO 57 produced the highest gross margin of ₦254,267.15 k/ha and a profit of ₦2.54 k per naira invested. The study recommends that the deep placement of N fertilizer (USG) method should be adopted in conjunction with FARO 57 or FARO 52 for optimum productivity of rice in the study area.

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eISSN: 2695-236X