Manuscripts for submission should be typed using MS Word, Times New Roman of font size  12 for main body and size 10 for abstract, double-spaced on one side of A-4 size paper,  leaving 2 cm margins on all sides to a maximum of 12 pages. Pages of manuscripts should  be serially numbered using Arabic numerals at the bottom center. The sequence of the  organization should appear in the following order: Title, Author(s) and Affiliation(s),  Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (Or Results and  Discussion), Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References.  

Main body/Text alignment should be justified; main section headings should be centered  while subsection headings should be left-aligned. First line of the body text paragraph should  be 1 cm indented and 1 cm hanging indentation for references list.  


Title should be concise and specific, describing the content of the paper and should not be  more than 15 words. In addition to the main title, a running title of not more than seven  words should be provided in alphabetical order. 

Author’s name(s) and affiliation(s) 

Initials and surname(s) of author(s) should be provided (e.g., S. S. Noma). The affiliation of 

the author(s) should also be provided and the corresponding author identified with email  address. 


This should be informative and concise including the main findings and conclusion.  Abstracts should not be more than 250 words. 


These should consist of 4-5 words on the content of the paper. Each word should be  separated by semicolon. 


Introduction should include a brief statement of the problem and a clear description of the  justification, aim and objectives of the investigation. 

Materials and Methods 

The materials and methods should be clearly stated in details to permit the work to be  repeated. Research designs and statistical tools should be adequately described. It suffices to  give only references to known methods. Previously published procedures should be cited.  Where new techniques are used and/or modifications to known methods are made, they  should be described in detail. 


Results should be adequately described using tables figures, charts, etc where necessary. The  statistics of the results should be clearly indicated. 


A section to discuss the results should follow. This should interpret the findings obtained in  the results, and in past studies or the topic. Avoid repeating the results. Another acceptable  way of presentation is to combine the results and discussion in a section. Conclusion 

This section should contain the inferences drawn from the results of the study. References 

The APA referencing style should be used. Citations in the text should be by author’s  surname and year [e.g., Shamaki (2010) where it comes in the beginning of a sentence]. Use  the postscript a, b, c to differentiate among papers by the same author(s) in the same year  (e.g., Ibrahim, 2007a and b). The abbreviation et al. should be used when referring to more  than two authors (e.g., Isah et al., 2007). Where reference is made to multiple authors, they  should be separated with a semi-colon (e.g., Umar, 2002; Magawata, 2007; Ala et al., 2011). 

References should be checked carefully for accuracy to avoid delays. A list of references  cited in the text should be presented at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order of the  Author’s surnames. Journal abbreviations may be used if they comply with the word-list of  scientific periodicals. The following style and order should be followed: 


Isah, A.D. and A.O. Adegeye (2002). Effects of burning on soil properties and growth of  Gmelina arborea seedlings in a savanna ecosystem. Journal of Agriculture &  Environment, 5: 77-84. 


Rosenberg, N.J. (1974). Microclimate: The Biological Environment. John Wiley & Sons,  New York. 100pp. 

Chapter in Book 

Maurya, P.R. and R. Lal (1979). Effects of bulk density and soil moisture on radicle  elongation of some tropical crops. In: R. Lal and D.J. Greenland (eds.). Soil Properties  and Crop Production in the Tropics. John Wiley & Sons, New York. pp 111-135. Web Reference 

The full URL should be given with additional information, if known (author names, dates,  reference to a source of publication, etc.) 


Tables should be created within the text using Table function of MS-Word and should be  numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals at the top, in order of their appearance in the  text. A short descriptive title should be provided at the top. The number of columns should  be kept to a minimum and the headings should be brief, with the units of measurement clearly  stated. The data should be easy to follow and the entries should not be divided by lines  except the column heading and bottom of the table. Place footnotes to tables below the table  body and indicate them with superscript lower case letters. 

Tables should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. The same data should not be  presented in both Tables and Graph forms or repeated in the text. 

Figures and Math Formulae 

Figures should appear embedded within the manuscript and should be simple enough to allow 

for editing where necessary. Arabic numerals should be used to number the figures and  photographs at the bottom. The captions should be precisely written at the bottom. Computer  drawn diagrams should be prepared using MS Word format. Use MS-Word formula/equation editor to create mathematical equations where applicable. 


Three types of manuscripts may be submitted for consideration 

  1. Regular Articles: These include new and carefully confirmed findings, and  experimental procedures given in sufficient details for others to verify. 
  2. Short Communication: These contain results of completed small investigations or  giving details of new models or hypothesis, techniques. 

iii. Reviews: Submissions of reviews on important topics of current interest are welcome  and encouraged. These should be concise and not longer than 4-6 pages. 

Authors are encouraged to create account at the journal’s website for easy submission of  manuscript. Alternatively a soft copy of the manuscripts should be sent as an attachment to: accompanied with the processing charges of N 5,000 and $30 for  contributors from Nigeria and overseas, respectively. 

Page Charges 

There will be a charge of N 1,500 per page but not less than N 20,000 per manuscript and $10  per page and not less than $100 per manuscript for contribution from Nigeria and abroad,  respectively. Mode of payment should be cash or bank draft or deposited into the Journals  account (Teller should be scanned and sent to the Journals Email account) within Nigeria. For 

contributors from outside Nigeria, payment should be in bank draft or money transfer. All  payment should be made to the Journal of Agriculture and Environment. All payments should be made into the following account: SKYE BANK NIGERIA PLC.,  UDUS Branch; Account Name: Journal of Agriculture and Environment; Account Number:  4090259376. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2695-236X
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