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Managerial Related Factors Challenging Leaders in Providing Professional Development to Open Secondary School Teachers in Arusha City, Tanzania

Simon Michael Moses


This study sought to explore managerial related factors challenging leaders in providing professional development (PD) to open  secondary school (OSS) teachers in Arusha City, Tanzania. Three OSS (Midland, Kaloleni and Hovinais) were targeted for the study.  Qualitative approach with exploratory research design was used. A sample of 41 respondents from three OSS was drawn using stratified  and purposive sampling technique. The three OSS were systematically selected. Semistructured interviews were used to obtain data,  which were then analysed qualitatively. The study found that; most of the leaders from OSS to regional level lack leadership skills in  planning for and providing PD, lack transformational and instructive skills to influence teachers to engage in PD, do not receive enough training and support on how to develop the PD programmes, and lack fund to conduct on-job or off-job training. Henceforth, it is  recommended that, practitioners in institutions responsible to oversee OSS such as the heads of OSS, the District Adult Education  Officers, and the Regional Resident Tutors should pay more attention on OSS teachers’ PD by assisting the OSS on PD strategies,   technological infrastructure and financially.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2738-9243
print ISSN: 2961-6271