An Overview

Authors intending to submit manuscripts to JAET have to adhere to the guidelines outlined in this document. Therefore, Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania (JAET) accepts contributions from researchers, scholars, policy makers, practitioners, teachers, students, and informed observers in education and related fields. In addition to original reports of research and theory, JAET welcomes articles that reflect on teaching and practice in educational settings in the Africa and abroad.

JAET has a two-stage review process. In the first stage, all manuscripts that are submitted go through an initial screening process and are read by a minimum of two Editorial Board members. During the second stage, manuscripts are considered by the full Editorial Board and receive written feedback based on the Board’s discussion.

It is the policy of JAET to consider for publication only manuscripts that are not simultaneously being considered elsewhere. Similarly, it is journal policy not to publish manuscripts that are currently available online or in print. To this end, JAET requires that authors to remove manuscripts from publicly available Web sites before submission. The JAET identifying the characteristics of a poor manuscript chief problems to avoid by the author when submitting manuscript for publication as the following: Inadequate review of the literature, Inappropriate citations, Unclear introduction, Ambiguous research questions, Inadequately described sample, Insufficient methodology, Incompletely described measures, Unclear statistical analysis, Inappropriate statistical techniques, Poor conceptualization of discussion, Discussion that goes beyond the data, Poor writing style, and Excessive length.

Please follow the following guidelines in preparing a manuscript for submission.

Types of Articles

  1. a) Research articles

Manuscripts reporting original research related to education should include: background and context and/or theoretical/conceptual framework, literature review, methods, findings and analysis, and discussion sections. The literature review should be relevant to the research topic and findings. All methodologies need to be clearly described and should match the research questions or stated purpose of the manuscript. The findings should be clear, and the arguments set forth should emerge from the analysis of the data presented in the manuscript. Accepted manuscripts typically include clear implications of the research and are accessible to JAET’s generalist readership.

  1. b) Additional submissions

JAET welcomes submissions in addition to the above categories. If your manuscript does not correspond to any of the above categories, please select this option. On submission, you will be asked to provide a statement of up to 100 words that describes the nature of your manuscript.


The following criteria should be adhered to by authors in preparing the manuscripts for submission:

  1. a) Significance and impact

Manuscripts should focus on questions relevant to the field of education. These questions should be pointed and should also have implications for broader educational problems, nationally and/or globally. Manuscripts should contribute to the work of stakeholders seeking to address educational challenges and should explicitly state their contributions, whether theoretical or practical, in order to identify the populations that would most benefit from its publication, such as teachers, policy makers, or students.

  1. b) Advancement of the field

The manuscript should push existing theory in a new direction and/or extend, fill a gap in, or bring a new perspective to current literature.

  1. c) Clarity and Style

Manuscripts must be well written in clear, concise language and be free of technical jargon. As a generalist journal, JAET strives for all articles to be widely accessible to non-experts. The editors understand that the specific organization of a manuscript may differ according to discipline and the author’s aesthetics.

  1. d) Formatting

JAET accepts manuscripts of up to 9,000 words, including abstract, appendixes, and references, and reserves the right to return any manuscript that exceeds that length.

All text must be double-spaced. Type size must be at least 12 point with reasonable margins on all sides, and paper size should be set to A4 paper.

Authors should ensure Standard English for general questions of style, grammar, punctuation, usage, and form.

The journal defers to author preference in decisions about the naming and capitalization of racial, ethnic, and cultural groups. Manuscripts should be internally consistent in this regard. Authors should adhere to the use of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for reference and citation formats. References must be in APA format, as follows:

  1. Journal article

Bhola, H. S. (1998). World trends and issues in adult education on the eve of the twenty-first century. International Review of Education, 44(5–6), 485–506.

  1. Book

Coombs, P. H. (1968). The world educational crisis: A systems analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

  1. Book chapter

Rubenson, K. (2006). Constructing the lifelong learning paradigm: Competing visions from the OECD and UNESCO. In S. Ellers (ed.), Milestones in adult education (pp. 63–78). Copenhagen: Danish University Press.

  1. Online document/material

World Bank (2013). World Data bank: Education statistics – all indicators. Accessed 13 November 2013from


Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of six keywords of index descriptors. Authors may choose to include one or two “free” keywords. These keywords will be used for indexing and to improve search ability.

Submission Procedure

In the JAET, manuscripts are considered anonymously. The author’s name must not appear anywhere in the manuscript; any references that identify the author in the text must be either deleted or made anonymous (e.g., instead of citing “Smith, 1972,” cite “Author, 1972”). Please do not submit a title page as part of your manuscript.


Contacting the Journal of Adult Education in Tanzania:

For questions about submitting a manuscript, please contact:

The Chief Editor-JAET,

Institute of Adult Education Tanzania

P.O. Box 20679,

Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA

Tel: 255-022-2150838/2151048

Fax: 255-022-2150836

Email:, Website:

Authors please remember:

  1. Immediately after the manuscript is received by JAET, the secretariat shall acknowledge receipt through the means used by the author when submitting.
  1. Within two weeks after the submission deadline, the author will receive the response emanating from the initial manuscript screening, should the manuscript have serious but curable deficiencies. In case of incurable ones the manuscript shall be rejected right away.
  1. In case the manuscript is found to have no deficiencies which require the author’s immediate attention, the author will receive response from JAET after the peer-review exercise in due course.


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2738-9243
print ISSN: 2961-6271