The study assessed the role of intra-household water management practices in transforming water resources available for agricultural activities in Benue State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 160 respondents used for the study. Data were collected using interview schedule. Descriptive statistics were used in data analysis. Findings of the study showed that majority (67.8%) of the respondents indicated that women provided drinking water in their households; also majority (71.3%) indicated that women provided water for cooking and majority (66.1%) stated that women also provided water for laundry (66.1%), bathing (65.5%), and home cleaning (65.5%), while greater proportion (26.4%) indicated that boys were responsible for watering of livestock. The result showed that reducing the number of baths per household member (1.98), reducing the number of times dishes are wished per day (M=1.97), watering of gardens in the morning and evening only to reduce evaporation (1.95) gray water re-use (M=1.91), use of alum in purifying water (M=1.56), and use of water closet toilets (M=1.54) were among the water demand management strategies employed by households in the area. Strategies for improving water availability for households in the area include: participatory risk assessment involving local people and all other stakeholders (M=3.90), engaging the beneficiary community for which water provision is planned (M=3.88), encouraging local watershed management (M=3.88), mainstreaming gender in community water management (M=3.79) among others. It was recommended that gender mainstreaming in community water management be encourage so that both men and women will be involved in issues relating to water provision, policy and decision making for the development of water supply infrastructure.