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Analysis of Training Needs of Extension Agents on Climate Change Issues in Ekiti State Agricultural Development Project (EKSADP), Nigeria
extension agents on climate change related issues were educating farmers on pest control (90.9%), rendering of technical advice to farmers (84.8%), establishment of SPAT to monitor climate change impacts (81.8%) and indigenous technology development to mitigate climate change impacts (81.8%). The training needs in the following areas as perceived by the extension agents were weather forecast skills on climate
change ( x =3.76), pest control skills to reduce pest attack ( x =3.72), soil conservation skills to reduce evapo-transpiration ( x =3.58), programme planning on climate change issues ( x =3.45), agro-chemical skills to reduce weed growth ( x =3.36), indigenous technology development for mitigating climate change impacts ( x =3.30), use of cultural practices to mitigate climate change impacts ( x =3.27), use of information communication technologies (ICTs) for awareness creation on climate risk management ( x =3.21) and statistical analysis of field data on climate change issues ( x =3.03). In order to improve performance and increase awareness on climate change impacts on agriculture, extension staff in the various agricultural organizations in the country needed to be trained
and re-trained in the relevant areas.