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Adaptation Strategies to Climate Change by Food Crop Farmers in Oke-Ogun Area of South Western Nigeria
160 out of 800 food crop farmers were randomly sampled. Data were subjected to statistical analysis using frequency counts and percentages. Pearson product moment correlation (PPMC) and chi-square were used to determine the relationship between variables. Majority of the respondents were males (77.5%), having low level of education (68.7%). Also, majority were aged 41 to 60 years, with farming experience ranging
from 11 to 50 years (59.3%). Majority (90% and 58.8%) of respondents had access to credit facilities and extension contacts respectively. Majority (60%) of the respondents had an unfavourable perception of climate change effects. Ninety nine percent of the respondents practised multiple cropping under dry land and crop rotation, while 10.6% adopted
agricultural insurance as parts of their adaptation strategies to climate change. Crop rotation (mean = 2.77). Invasion of cattle and herdsmen (mean = 2.50) inadequate supply of agricultural inputs (mean = 2.41) and lack of access to credit facilities (mean = 2.33) were the important constraints to farmers adaptation strategies. Inputs supply to the local farmers should also come with government subsidy. This will go a long way in alleviating the sufferings of the farmers, as regards inadequate
supply and delivery of agricultural inputs.
Key words: Adaptation, Strategies, Climate, Change, Food, Crop,
Farmers, south-western