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The Role of Local Leaders in Community Development Programmes in Ideato Local Government Area of Imo State: Implication for Extension Policy
the most important roles played by local leaders in community
development were; decision-making (= 3.82); liaison between
governmental and non-governmental agencies and the community for financial and technical assistance (= 3.80); monitoring and evaluation of projects (= 3.78); and fund raising for projects (= 3.76). Further results showed that the most important (40%) source of information for community development efforts were through the local leaders
themselves. Gender was a major issue in community development as result revealed that women were not given equal opportunity for participation in community initiatives like their male counterparts. Incompatibility of government policies with community programmes (= 3.84), insufficient sources of funds (= 3.83), poor implementation of programmes (= 3.80), and gender bias (= 3.77) constituted the major constraints to effective leadership in community development programmes in the area. It was concluded that for sustained success to
be achieved in community development efforts, there is an urgent need for extension policy that will formally accommodate the local leaders in all community development initiatives of both governmental and nongovernmental agencies.
Keywords: local leaders, role, community development, programmes, extension policy.