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Policy Issues in Enhancing the Output Of Agribusiness Small And Medium Scale Piggery Enterprises (AGRI-SMEs) in Abia State
Ministry of Agriculture, National Root Crops Research Institute and University of Agriculture in it. Through random sampling, three Local Government Areas (L.G.As) comprising of Ikwuano, Umuahia North and South Local Government Areas were selected. Also, following a random sampling process, forty (40) agri-SMEs operators involved in piggery management were studied. They were selected from sampling frame of piggery operators provided by Local Government Area officials. The
results presented in rank order of influence indicated that level of education and distance of operators to research and extension service centres were first and second factors hindering access to research and extension services in the area. Also, major factors affecting the output of operators included the education level, total cost of production and
access to research and extension services. Therefore, policy
considerations by the government should be directed towards achieving the universal basic education, bringing research and extension services sub-centres closer to the people and reducing total cost of production of agri-SME operators will immensely contribute to enhancement of output
realization of piggery operators.
Key-words: Policy, Enhancing, Output, Accessibility, Piggery,