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Socioeconomic Determinants of Agricultural Extension Needs among Yam Farmers in Nasarawa State Nigeria

Danlami Haruna Yakubu
Adamu Kamba Ango
Gumugumu Godknows Brakiebou Douseifa
Jazuli Alhassan


This study assessed the socioeconomic determinants of agricultural extension needs among yam farmers in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select 295 farmers. Data were obtained with a questionnaire and analyzed using percentages and Multiple Linear Regression Model. Findings of the study revealed that the major extension needs of the farmers included information on time of planting (90.17%), spacing of tubers (98.64%), pests and diseases control (94.58%), how to source for credit (96.95%) and method of weed control (95.25%). The study also found that sex (co-efficient = 0.128), education (co-efficient = 0.203), extension contact (co-efficient = 0.315), and access to credit (co-efficient = 1.381) were significantly and positively related to the information needs of the yam farmers. Additionally, age (co-efficient = 0.017), farm size (co-efficient = 0.197), and annual income (co-efficient = 1.184; p < 0.10) were all significantly related to the information needs of the farmers. Socioeconomic variables are significant determinants of agricultural extension needs. Targeting extension services to specific groups of yam farmers
127 based on their socioeconomic characteristics, providing training and education on recommended yam production practices, and improving access to credit facilities.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2408-6851
print ISSN: 1119-944X