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Adoption of banana (Musa spp) production technology among small-scale farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya

Dominic Nthukuri Kathuri
Samuel Njiri Ndirangu
Bernard Gichimu


The study examined adoption of recommended banana production technology among small-scale farmers in Embu West Sub-County, Kenya. Data were obtained from a sample of 384 small-scale banana farmers that were proportionately selected from four wards of the study area. A structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Both percentages and inferential statistics were employed in data analysis. The study used a logarithmic multiple linear regression model based on Cobb-Douglas production function. The amount of credit accessed, cost of the banana plantlets, fertilizer and manure had significant effects on banana output area. In addition, adoption of tissue culture banana, use of irrigation, debudding, desuckering, deleafing and banana value addition had positive and significant effects on banana production. The County government to enhance sensitization of small-scale banana farmers on the importance of adopting these and other recommended technologies for improved banana yields.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2408-6851
print ISSN: 1119-944X