This study evaluated the performance of Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) of Abia and Enugu states, Nigeria; with particular focus on extension services delivery in the study areas. The specific objectives of the study included to identify and compare the performance of the project in the two states with respect to extension service delivery. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 200 respondents made up of 40 extension staff and 60 farmers from each state. Data were obtained from both primary and secondary sources and analyzed using percentages and mean. A hypothesis was postulated and tested in this study using Paired T-test analysis. The results revealed that despite inherent funding problems in ADPs in Nigeria, the two states ADPs were able to carry out some extension activities. These included visits to farmers, conduct of SPATs, and conduct of FNTs/MTs, establishment of MTPs and OFARs among others. Abia ADP had better staff disposition and media coverage than Enugu ADP, A little effort from Abia ADP field staff had a multiplying effect and yielded a higher result as more farm families were reached unlike Enugu ADP that had few field staff and thus achieved very little of their target coverage. Results of the analysis showed that out of the 11 extension performance indices measured in the two States ADPs, three showed significant difference at 5% significance level in the performance of Abia and Enugu states ADPs. They are number of extension agents (6.676**), farm visits (5.984**) and monthly review meetings (MTRM) (4.588**). In view of this result, the study therefore recommended that government should make haste to employ better trained extension staff to enhance extension service delivery in Enugu State. This will speedily revive and sustain grassroots’ agricultural production and rural development in the state.
Key words: Evaluation of Extension programmes, Agricultural Development Programmes, Extension Service Delivery.