Objective: Jatropha curcas L. is an Euphorbiaceae known for its oleaginous seed characters. Its propagation following a specific technical route is not yet established. This study aimed at comparing the growth of seedlings through three methods of propagation in southeastern of Gabon. Methodology and Results: This study was performed under the conditions of the dry season and leached soil in the area of Franceville. The comparison of mean morphometric parameters was made between plants regenerated by direct seeding, cuttings and seedlings produced in nurseries. It revealed significant differences in the growth according to the mode of propagation. Plants from direct sowing had rapid growth compared to transplanted seedlings and plants propagated by cuttings. This growth was expressed in leaf development and release branches. However, early flowering in plants propagated by cuttings was observed. Conclusions and Application of findings: In Jatropha curcas L., the vegetative propagation (cuttings) is the best alternative for the rapid production of fruit while the generative propagation (direct seeding) is interesting for a high biomass production.
Keywords: Jatropha curcas L., plant propagation, cuttings, seedlings, growth parameters
J. Appl. Biosci. 2013