Bassani's narrative is strongly linked to “vision”; the characters live in marginalised solitude (historical, social, psychological or existential) and their use of vision almost compensates for their impotence when faced with a reality which continually eludes them, and is always “other” or an unreachable “beyond”. Vision is thus subjective fruition of reality, altering and deforming life as a function of desire or the creation of a utopia. Only Micòl manages to retain a strong intent in her gaze, through which she confronts the varied and painful phenomenology of reality, and a pirandellian humour allows her to face life with pitying irony. Initiated into Micòl's gaze, the author can correct the deficient vision of the other characters, and regain the moral and historical sense of his narrative world, together with its affective and sentimental values.
ISSA vol 13 (1) 2000