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Tra coding e codici: Un’esperienza di éveil aux langues tra interdisciplinarità e sviluppo del pensiero computazionale

Francesca Vitrone


The paper reports an educational experimentation inspired by the pluralistic approach Awakening to languages, which has been carried  out in an Italian primary school. The project’s main objective is to enhance linguistic diversity and, at the same time, to develop students’  computational thinking through a coding game created with Scratch 3.0 software. The activities presented intend to show the potential of  an interdisciplinary and plurilingual perspective that intertwines three different educational axes, generally separated in the school curriculum: education to environmental sustainability, education to linguistic diversity and the cognitive value of languages, education for  an active use of information technology.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-7039
print ISSN: 1012-2338