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Tipi industriali di metà novecento: Tra letteratura Italiana e pensiero sociologico

Luca Bifulco


Literature is an important source for sociological discourse, since in narratives it can find inspiration, a tool for comparison and a lively representation of its analytical categories. Thus, this paper aims to analyse some of the most important books of Italian mid-twentieth century industrial literature: Tempi Stretti and Donnarumma all’assalto by Ottiero Ottieri, first, then Il calzolaio di Vigevano and Il maestro di Vigevano by Lucio Mastronardi, and Memoriale by Paolo Volponi. The representations described in these books – immersed in the specific historical context of their time – reflect, consolidate, and interact with the categories and concepts through which many important sociological thinkers have interpreted industrial modernity. They can provide indications on the meanings through which it was possible to understand modern society. The main categories used in this analysis will be industrial work, the figure of the capitalist and social conflicts. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-7039
print ISSN: 1012-2338