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Amicizia e reti di cura tra persone LGBTQ nel welfare Mediterraneo

Beatrice Gusmano


The contribution presents the radicality of the daily experiences of LGBTQ people who live non-monogamous relationships in the mononormative context of Italian society; of lesbian and bisexual mothers who clash with the monomaternalism synthesised by the Italian saying “di mamma ce n’è una sola”; of LGBQ friends who choose to live together as a life choice, challenging the heteronormativity of the stages that mark adulthood and the precariousness that characterises Southern Europe. Such radical choices are made possible by the construction of networks of care and friendship that are not contemplated by the Mediterranean welfare and that are analysed here through the narratives collected in Rome during the ERC Starting Grant project Intimate – Micropolitics of Intimacy in Southern Europe: Citizenship, Care and Choice (2014-2019).

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-7039
print ISSN: 1012-2338