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Uno sguardo sul colonialismo italiano: Gli scritti di erminia dell’oro

R Marchese


Erminia Dell’Oro, an Italian born in Eritrea, is one of the few writers to have addressed the issue of Italian colonialism in her works from the point of view of the colonized. She describes the consequences of a domination based on racial laws, massacres and deportations. Asmara addio (Goodbye Asmara), L’abbandono (The Abandonment), Il fiore di Merara (The Flower of Merara),
Vedere ogni notte le stelle (Seeing the Stars Every Night), La gola del diavolo (The Devil’s Throat) are some of her works dealing with cruel aspects of Italian colonialism, such as the “madamato”, the concubinage between Italian men and Eritrean women, and “meticciato”, children born from the concubinage, that led to the humiliation of the Eritrean woman and to the identity crisis of so many children.