The paper examines Fo’s apocalyptic scenario of our polluted planet, on the verge of ecological disaster, being brought to a standstill by the sudden unavailability of fossil fuels and the utopian myth of this being a highly beneficial incident (“un evento salvifico”), which will allow the planet to rid itself of corrupt, exploitative societies governed by greed and give rise to global harmony and a more just, equitable civilization. Fo warns, however, that the looming catastrophe will be nothing more than a “deferred apocalypse” because of the very nature of man, more prone to be guided by self-interest than justice and altruism. It argues that the social, moral and environmental renewal envisioned by Fo is, ironically, only a fantasy coloured by his leftist politics and more recent sympathies with extremist factions which, among other things, want to see an end to the infiltration of destabilizing African, east European and Asian elements in Italy. It discusses how Fo’s absurd but entertaining exposé of how humanity can save itself from self-destruction is largely a pretext to denounce the ills of contemporary Italy in his usual mocking opera buffa style. Lastly it examines how Fo uses intertextuality to give credence to his views and engage the reader in an intellectual game, while the fiercely satirical collage spares no one: all are equally responsible for present and future calamities.