Peer Review

Articles are first screened by the Editor who selects two specialist referees among the members of the International Editorial Board for a critical evaluation. If necessary, other referees are contacted on an ad hoc basis for articles that do not fall into the members’ expertise. The reviewers are sent the article to review without the author’s name together with a form to compile that provides them also with guidelines on how to evaluate the article and serves as record of the evaluation process. The form is sent back to the Editor. Who compares the evaluations and informs the authors of the outcome of the evaluation, ie accepted as is, with changes/corrections, rejected

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Important information
Executive Committee 2018
A.P.I Executive Committee 2016-2017
A.P.I. Executive Committee 2010
A.P.I. Executive Committee 2009
2009 President Prof. Anna Meda Hon. Treasurer Mrs Alida Poeti Hon. Secretary Mrs Claudia Gianoglio
President Prof. Anna Meda Vice President – Hon. Treasurer Mrs Alida Poeti Hon. Secretary Mrs Claudia Gianoglio

President Dr Anita Virga (Wits)
Vice President Dr Giovanna Sansalvadore (UNISA)
Hon. Treasurer Mrs Alida Poeti
Hon. Secretary Mr Christopher Fotheringham (Wits)
Editorial Committee Prof. Anna Meda (UNISA)
Members’ Representative Dott. Enrico Trabattoni (Educational Director, Consulate General of Italy, Johannesburg)

Dr Giovanna Sansalvadore (UNISA) / Ms Federica Belusci (UKZN)

Vice President                          
Ass. Prof. Giona Tuccini (UCT)

Hon. Treasurer                         
Mrs Alida Poeti

Hon. Secretary                          
Mr Christopher 

Editorial Committee                
Dr Anita Virga (Wits)

Members’ Representative         
Dott. Enrico Trabattoni (Educational Director, Consulate General of Italy, Johannesburg)

The purpose of A.P.I. (Association of Professional Italianists/Associazione Professori d’Italiano), established in 1981, is to promote cultural exchanges and discussions on didactic and literary topics concerning the preservation and teaching of the Italian language and literature in Southern Africa both at school and university level, and to keep abreast with international developments in this field.

Congresses and Round Tables alternate every second year at various universities and cultural associations where Italian is taught. All teachers and students of Italian, as well as anybody interested in Italian culture are invited to participate.

Membership fees are as follows:

R250 (Ordinary members)
R200 (Students)

US $50 (Ordinary members)
US $25 (Students)
US $60 (Institutions)

Membership fees include subscription to this journal and are payable by the 28th February.

All enquiries about the Association and applications for membership and remittances should be sent to The Hon. Treasurer, Mrs A. Poeti, e?mail:

For more information on the Association go to You can also find it on Facebook ( and Wikipedia (

To contact the association write to

1.         End of printed version

The present issue marks the end of the printed version of Studi d’italianistica nell’Africa australe/Italian Studies in Southern Africa (ISSN 1012-2338). The journal will still appear regularly online on the AJOL platform and in its new website: 

2.         Open Access

As from 2018  the online version of the journal (e-ISSN 2225-7039) will be Open Access under the international licensing Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND) with a two-year embargo on all articles. Issues and single articles under embargo will still be available respectively on subscription or for a fee. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2225-7039
print ISSN: 1012-2338
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