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An ethno-zoological survey of insects and their allies among the remos (Ogun State) South Western Nigeria
use for rituals and which they use for medicinal purposes.
Two hundred and eighty-five questionnaires were administered. The data collected was analysed by using frequency counts and percentages. Common edible insects were found to include termites
(Macrotermes bellicossus), cricket (Brachytrypes sp) and (Analeptes trifaciata). The insects used for rituals and medicinal purposes include the butterfly used for making love portion; Cryptothelia
rongeoti used as a defense against any evil; Brachytrypes sp, Lycosa sp and Apis melifera used for good fortune. The honey bee (Apis melifera) is used to prevent dizziness, while the sting of Ant is used
for healing wound, curing of impotence in males and is also used as a cure for “thunderbolt”. The study found that in this community insects are valuable for both food and medicinal purposes. It recommends that more work on medicinal and nutritional value of these insects be undertaken.