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Common Grounds: Intercultural Aspects of Social Intervention
On the basis of the example of an innovation at the University of the North the author discusses competing images about Africa and the West and outlines how in teaching and research activities, in this case in the field of adult education and lifelong learning, bipolar positions can be overcome. By means of the presentation of three concepts (Contextualisation, Social Learning and Action Research) and additional examples the conclusion will be developed that the road to an exclusive African epistemology, an exclusive African learning approach as well as an exclusive African concept of adult education and lifelong learning would seem not be a very fruitful one.
The challenge would rather be to develop further those epistemological and learning concepts which take the presence of competent actors into account, wherever they are living their lives, and which are sensitive for the specific characteristics of local situations and histories.
(Indilinga: African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems: 2002 1: 7-18)