Guidelines for submission and publication

About the Journal : purpose and scope

The journal’s objectives are to publish papers of broad interest in the humanities and social sciences. The Journal strives to enable a sound balance between theory and practice and will publish papers reporting on empirical research, including articles of a conceptual, viewpoint, case study, or literature review nature in fields such as: Philosophy and Psychology, Religion and Theology, Social Sciences, Language, the Arts, Literature and Rhetoric, Geography and History, Management, Communication, Media and Information Sciences.

Disclaimer of warranties

Inkanyiso JHSS takes no responsibility for the content published within this journal, and disclaims all liability arising out of the use of or inability to use the information contained herein. We assume no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any breaches of agreement with other publishers/hosts

Licensing and Copyright
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

The author(s) retain copyright on work published in Inkanyiso unless specified otherwise. Inkanyiso requires authors to publish their work in open access under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence. Thus, the authors retain the non-exclusive right to do anything they wish with the published article(s), provided attribution is given to the applicable journal with details of the original publication, as set out in the official citation of the article published in the journal. The authors specifically have the right to post the article on the authors’ or their institution’s websites or in institutional or other repositories.

Open Access

Inkanyiso is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without obtaining prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access (see also Copyright and licensing rights).

Indexing Services

All articles published in the journal are included in:

  • SABINET - SA –E Publications and

  • African Journals Online(AJOL)

  • Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

  • EBSCO Host.

We are working closely with relevant indexing services to ensure that articles published in the Journal will be available in their databases when appropriate.

Impact factor

Since its inception in 2009 the Journal has published an average of eight articles per year. Inkanyiso's journal impact factor (, based on H-index in Google Scholar, is 13, which is comparable with journals of its nature, size, scope and duration of existence.

Reviewing process

(a) Each submitted paper that the editors deem acceptable regarding its topic, style, length and general quality will be verified for plagiarism and sent to at least two peer referees for double blind review.

(b) The referees will be scholars of standing, members of the Editorial Advisory Board, the Journal Management Team and others identified by their specific expertise and publication profiles.

(c) The referees will comment on the paper's eligibility for publication in Inkanyiso, considering originality as well as the quality of research, argument, use of sources and writing style. Each referee will be granted not more than one month for this process.

(d) The Reviewers’ Evaluation Form will be enclosed with each manuscript for the reviewer’s guidance. It will require a referee to classify her or his response to a paper in one of four categories: acceptance as is; acceptance with specified changes; rejection with the possibility of revision and resubmission for another issue; and rejection.

(e) After receiving the referees’ reports, the Editor-in-Chief will verify manuscripts for publication in Inkanyiso. Selected sections of these reports will be sent back to the authors (without disclosing the referees’ identities) to explain the Journal’s acceptance or rejection of the paper and to guide revision either for the upcoming issue or to help the author rewrite for a future submission.

(f) Accepted authors should make the required corrections and email their final document to the Editor within the time specified.

(g) The Editor, after verification, compiles all the manuscripts into an issue with the addition of an appropriate introduction and then sends the issue to the publisher.

(h) Publication is normally expected within the specified dates i.e. June and December each year.

(i) It is our policy to encourage and support novice and established authors. However, in order to improve on the quality of publications, manuscripts that are unanimously recommended by at least two reviewers for substantive revision or rejection may not be published.

Page fees

Page fees or APC – where possible – may be levied to cover the costs of publication. The journal has not levied such fees since its inception in 2009.

Manuscript requirements

Length of articles

These should comprise 4000-8000 words, including the list of works cited and notes. Shorter essays (500-2000 words) such as book reviews and debates on topics introduced by specific papers may be accepted.


Papers should be submitted electronically, as email attachments formatted in a recent version of MsWord or Rich Text Format. While each article should be accompanied by a note in which the author provides his or her full names, personal telephone number and email address, the article itself should be stripped of all references to the author’s identity. This is in order to assist the blind review process.


The full text of the journal articles is deposited in the following archives to guarantee long-term preservation:

  • University of Zululand Institutional Repository

  • African Journal Online( AJOL)

  • SA e-Publications, Sabinet

  • South African Government Libraries (eg the National Library of South Africa).

Style of articles

Inkanyiso uses a specific version of Harvard style. Authors should ensure that their papers are already formatted in this style before submission to the Journal.

An abstract of the paper comprising a single paragraph of no more than 300 words should precede its first paragraph. Numbered subheadings may be used throughout the article, but are not compulsory unless referees request them. Single quotation marks are used in Harvard style for direct quotations from texts and for ‘mention’ of words and phrases to be discussed or defined. Double quotation marks are used only for a quotation within a quotation. End punctuation is placed after the closing quotation mark. Footnotes should be used very sparingly or not at all. If possible, all information should be included in the main text. If footnotes are used, they should not exceed about five in number and should not be used for references, only for parenthetic material not directly relevant to the argument in hand but of use or interest to a researcher in the field. Textual references should be used in preference to notes wherever possible. All textual references should include page numbers, unless the original text does not display page numbers. A reference should accompany almost any mention of a text, not only direct quotations from it. Textual references normally include the author’s surname, the date of publication and the relevant page numbers. They are punctuated thus, with a colon separating date and page number, but no space after the colon: (Thorpe 1999:135-141). The list of works cited (References) should include all texts referred to in the article and no other texts.The list should be alphabetized, unnumbered and arranged on the page as indicated in the examples below. Each item in the list should include the following, in the order designated: author’s surname; author’s initials or names (depending on how the author is designated in the text described); date of publication; title and subtitle, separated by a colon (upper-case used only for the first letter of the first word); place of publication and publisher. Please note that the ‘place of publication’ must be a town or city; it may not be a country, province, state or other area. The place of publication must precede the publisher’s name and be separated from it by a colon. A list follows that demonstrates the required punctuation and arrangement. If an author uses a type of text not included in this list, a more comprehensive handbook of Harvard Style should be consulted. Here is a sample list of works cited (with annotations):


Arom, Simha. 2000. Prolegomena to a biomusicology. In Wallin, Merker & Brown. 27-29. [NOTE WALLIN ANDSLATER ENTRIES BELOW – only refer to an edited work in this way if more than one essay is cited. SeeTAFT below for the citation of one essay only from an edited collection.]

Buthelezi, Mangosuthu. 1990. Personal interview on August 5, 1990. Empangeni. `[Cassette recording in possession of author.] [INTERVIEW]

Davies, R.T. (ed). 1963. Medieval English lyrics: A critical anthology. London: Faber & Faber.

Gumbi, Rachel Vuyiswa. 2009. Personal communication on January 16, 2009. [INTERVIEW]

Jacobs, D. 2001. A bibliometric study of the publication patterns of scientists in South Africa 1992-96, with special reference to gender difference. In: M. Davis & C.S. Wilson (Eds.). Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Sydney, 16-20th July 2001, Vol.2, 275-285. [CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS]

Mason, B.L. 1994. The psychological effects of violence on children: An exploration of a sample of black primary school children from the Natal Midlands. Unpublished master's thesis. Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal. [THESIS]

Oosterlinck, A. nd. Knowledge management in post-secondary education: Universities. Accessed online on September 8, 2008, at:[NO DATE]

Schiesari, Juliana. 1992. The gendering of melancholia: Feminism, psychoanalysis, and the symbolics of loss in Renaissance literature. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Sembene, Ousemane. 1976. Xala. Transl. Wake, C. London: Heinemann. [TRANSLATION]

South African Law Commission. 1997. Project 90, discussion paper 74: Customary marriages. Accessed online on August 17, 2007, at: [GOVERNMENT


Taft, R. 1981. The role and personality of the mediator. In Bochner, S. (ed). The mediating person: Bridges between cultures. Cambridge: Schenkman. 53-88.

Taylor, Hollis. 2008. Decoding the song of the pied butcherbird: An initial survey.

Transcultural Music Review 12. Accessed online on November 8, 2008, at:

Thorpe, W H. 1958. The learning of song patterns by birds, with especial reference to the song of the chaffinch Fingilla coelebs. The Ibis 100:535-570.

Wallin, Nils L, Merker, Bjšrn, and Brown, Steven (eds). 2000. The origins of music. Cambridge: The MIT Press.


Dr Ian Raper

Academic Publishing and Editing

Specialist English editing and final layout of academic theses, etc.

Pretoria, South Africa

Publishing editor: Mrs E van Dyk;

Journal website

ISSN: Print 2077-2815 and Online 2077-8317

Address for submission

Papers should be submitted electronically to the Editor-in-Chief at

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1683-0296
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