Information on the current status of reproduction and gamete management of the African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) a highly appreciated culturable fish species in Nigeria were reviewed. Natural and artificial reproductive behaviour as well as gonadal maturation rhythm in the highly fecund fish were documented. Various artificial reproductive techniques utilized for induced breeding in captivity and the attendant limitation were highlighted to facilitate understanding of the fish reproductive behaviour. In nature, C. gariepinus has a discontinuous reproductive cycle regulated by cyclically active gonad tropes. A gonadotropin surge trigger off by environmental cues usually facilitates spontaneous oocyte maturation, ovulation or spermiation. Under captive condition, the fish spawn easily with hormonal induction using either homoplastic pituitary gland suspension or synthetic hormonal preparations. The Nigerian clariid farming communities however prefer the use of homoplastic pituitary gland suspensions instead of synthetic hormonal preparations to induce spawning in fish farms because of the very expensive nature of the imported synthetic hormonal preparations.
Key words: catfish, gonad tropes, hormone, oocytes, oogenesis, permatogenesis, Claria gariepinus
Ife Journal of Science Vol. 7(1) 2005: 63-70