The health promoting potential of Lactobacillus acidophilus isolated from faeces of human neonate, pig and albino rat was assessed. A set of rats were orogastrically dosed with the Lactobacillus isolates alone (safety test), while the other set was dosed with Lactobacillus isolates and infected with E. coli NCIB 86 (Challenge test). The feeding period lasted for 20 days. The live weight and the feed efficiency of the rats were recorded before they were killed. Blood samples were collected and analysed for some serum biochemical markers that can reveal toxicological effect. The study showed that Lactobacillus acidophilus from the sources above has no toxicological effect on rats. Most of the serum biochemical markers increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the challenge test when compared to the safety test. Furthermore, the anticholesterolaemic effect observed in the safety test was impaired in challenge test. Feed efficiency was higher in rats dosed with Lactobacillus and challenged with E. coli.
Key Words: Faecal strain, Lactobacillus acidophilus, health importance, probiotics, rats.
Ife Journal of Science Vol.6(1) 2004: 19-22