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Assessment of soil transmitted helminths in soil ready for primary school farming activity in Omelema

E.G Ekine
C.A. Orluoma


Approximately every rural inhabitant in Nigeria is at risk of diseases transmissible by helminthes worms also known as soil transmitted  helminthes. This study evaluates the level soil transmitted helminths contamination level of soil prepared for school farming activity in  Omelema. A total of 50 soil samples were collected and analyzed for soil transmitted helminths contamination using the formalin ether  sedimentation technique and saturated salt floatation methods. Thirty one samples representing 62.0% were contaminated with soil transmitted helminths. The soil transmitted helminths implicated in this study are Strongyloies (45.6 %), Ascaris (36.9 %) and hook worm  species (17.5 %). The presence of soil transmitted helminths in this study called for serious concern in the public health sector and  demand that the rural inhabitants be adequately oriented on preventive strategies to avert prospect infection threat. The scenario in this  survey suggests that prohibition of open defecation alongside personal cleanliness in private and public places if taken seriously can  mitigate infections of soil transmitted helminths in every locality.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3026-8583
print ISSN: 0794-4896