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Haematology and serum biochemistry of F1 and F2 pigs produced by ASF- recovered pigs

AA Adeoye
JE Udoh
EA Rotimi
CON Ikeobi
OA Adebambo


The blood contains a myriad of metabolites and other constituents which provide a valuable medium for clinical investigation and nutritional status of human beings and animals. Data on haematological  parameters and serum metabolites generated from F1 (52) and F2 (60) pigs farrowed by eight sows and two boars, (Four Large White sows, two Large Black sows, two Duroc sows, one Large White boar and one NigerHyb boar which are survivors of the African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak in a farm in Abeokuta, Nigeria, in 2005) were evaluated. From these fifty-two pigs were generated in the F and sixty pigs in the F2 generation. Data obtained were subjected to  General Linear Model (GLM) procedure. The serological test for determining the presence of ASF antibody showed that all the ASF recovered pigs tested positive, the Large White had more of ASF antibody compared with the other two breeds while 18.79 % of the F1 and 6.25 % of the F2 pigs tested positive. Genotype did not  have significant effects (P > 0.05) on the blood parameters considered except on monocytes, lymphocytes and eosinophils among the 1 . Among the F2 , genotype effect was significant (P < 0.05) on lymphocytes only. Sex had significant effect on globulin, monocytes and eosinophils among F1 pigs while among F2 the effect was significant  on creatinine and urea. ASF- infected herd showed significant variation in different types of white blood cell compared to other blood parameters.

Key words: Pigs, ASF, haematological parameters and serum metabolites

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 3026-8583
print ISSN: 0794-4896