Man, since living in communities, has sought ways and means of production and infrastructural development for himself. However, these developments and means of production have not always been done in such a way that the ecology is sustained. There have been so many interventions that have sought to address this issue. Many of these interventions have come from the scientific and social scientific disciplines. Very little has been done and even sought to address this issue of sustainable development from the arts. This paper is restricted to the worldviews of African Christians who have accepted certain erroneous readings of the Bible that have tooted humanity as the centre of creation and have therefore espoused values that deplete the resources that have been made available to humanity in creation. It seeks to pursue a reader centred reader-response reading of Genesis 6:5-8:22. This reading will take seriously our African setting and worldview. It is hoped that this sort of reading will demonstrate that a careful reading of the Bible by African Christians who take seriously African religious and cultural worldviews and values will enable us to be more responsible in the way we live. It has been found that Africans and other critical readings of the Bible share the same religious and cultural values of treating the earth with respect. This paper shows that the “flood” is caused by human actions and floods that do occur today should remind us that we are to change the way we treat the earth and its resources that are available to us.