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A comparative study of Manhaj Salafi cum Attaṣawwuf al-islāmiy on radio: a clarion call for Muslim brotherhood

Sulyman Muhammad-Busayri


Brotherhood is a watchword of the Islamic religion that both the Qur‟an and Hadith clamour for emphatically. In achieving this, the role  of daᶜwah on the radio could never be undermined due to its large coverage. Salafi and Ṣūfi groups could not but also use the medium to  evangelise their views on some Islamic issues on weekly basis. Manhaj Salaf and AtTaṣawwuful-Islāmiy are daᶜwah programmes on  the radio that are aired on Albarka and Harmony stations respectively by the Salafi and Ṣūfi groups. Historical methods and interviews  were used for the research work. Manhaj Salaf and At-Taṣawwuful-Islāmiy are studied to bring forth their compliance with an objective of  aᶜwah i.e., Muslim brotherhood. The paper discovered that Manhaj Salaf and At-Taṣawwuful-Islāmiy are Islamic-oriented programmes  anchored by Islamic scholars of various organisational affiliations. The use of the Qur‟an, Hadith and other scholars‟ views as references  is also common among them. The employment of action-reaction and retaliatory approaches tends to render the Muslim brotherhood  phantom. In conclusion, recommendations are made that anchors of the programmes must adopt the major method of daᶜwah (Al- Ḥikmahwal-Mawʿizhah al-Ḥasanah) on radio as that would not only aid in disseminating true Islamic worldview on every matter they discuss, but as well promote Muslim brotherhood among the generality of the Muslim Ummah. 

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print ISSN: 2141-7040
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