A model has been derived for evaluation and prediction of production rate of sinter machine operating on vertical mode. The quadratic model expressed as: P = 0.4395 V – 0.0526 V2 + 0.54, showed that the production rate of the sinter machine was dependent on the vertical sintering height. The maximum deviation of the model-predicted production rate from the corresponding rate obtained from the experiment was less than 32%. The sinter production rate per unit vertical sintering height of mix as obtained from experiment and derived model are approximately 0.02 and 0.01 tm-2 h-2/ mm mins-1 respectively. The evaluated correlation between production rate and vertical sintering height as obtained from experiment and derived model are 0.9345 and 0.9459 respectively.
Keywords: Evaluation, prediction, production rate, sinter machine, vertical mode
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 7(1): 16 - 21, 2011