This paper investigated the levels of ionizing radiation at selected mining sites in Nasarawa State, Nigeria. Inspector alert nuclear radiation meter (S.E. International, USA SN: 35440) was used for these assessments. The meter was held at the abdominal level (about 1 m above ground level) and readings were taken in mSv/hr and CPM at all the mining sites. The mining sites were selected based on accessibility and raw materials explored at the sites. The results obtained showed that Alizaga stone quarry in Nasarawa Eggon had the highest background radiation equivalent dose rate at the excavation point, while at the processing sites the radiation levels in Keana salt mine was higher. Oleshi barite mine had a quite low radiation level, with little or no significant contribution to the background level measured at some other locations. Though the presence of ionising radiation was established, the levels of the radiation, is quite within the healthy range of the Nigerian Basic Ionizing Radiation Regulation (NBIRR, 2003) standard and did not pose any significant health risk to the workers and neighbouring inhabitants.
Keywords: Mining sites, ionizing radiation, barite, stone quarry, salt, health risks
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(4): 478 - 481, 2010