The paper evaluated extension agents (EAs) effectiveness in transferring agro-forestry technologies to farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaires administered to 90 respondents from the three agricultural zones of the state. A multistage random sampling technique was adopted to select the respondents. Analyses generated data was carried out using simple percentages and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results showed significant difference in the rating of various EAs qualities in transferring agro-forestry technologies. The F-calculated value of 20.31 > F-tabulated value of 2.84 at 5% level of probability, which implied non effectiveness of all quality attributes of delivering the technologies to end users. The paper recommended adequate motivation and training of the change agents to equip them more in their extension delivery.
Keyword: Agroforestry technologies, conservation, extension agents, farmers
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(3): 342-345, 2010