Variations in ozone transmittance with height in the atmosphere for radiation in the 9.6μm absorption band was studied using Goody’s model atmosphere with cubic spline interpolation technique to improve the quality of the curve. The data comprised pressure and temperature at different altitudes (0-22 km) for the months of April and May 2005 at Sagamu, in Ogun State, Nigeria and were obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency. Computed results showed that ozone transmittance increased with height, except at the altitude of 6 km < Z≤ 8 km for the two months, 10 km < Z ≤ 12 km and 14 km < Z ≤ 16 km for April. More so, at 10 km < Z ≤ 16 km for May due to absorption of UV-radiation from sun by O3, which indicates safety of living organisms with continuity in food chain and web in the study area.
Keywords: Ozone, altitude, atmosphere, absorption band
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(2): 255-258, 2010