Internet is growing at a rapid rate and has broken the territorial and geographical barriers that characterized traditional practices of editorial review process. Thus, a study on online manuscript review process and its utilization by academic staff became a necessity. This study examines the effect of the Internet on traditional practices of editorial review in academic institution, the availability of required internet infrastructure, and the degree of use by academic staff. Document review, questionnaire, research and site visit were the fact-finding techniques used in information gathering. A detailed questionnaire was distributed among the randomly selected universities in the southwest Nigeria. The faculties of science, social science, art and education were the target respondents. Among other findings, the study revealed that, 54.1% of the respondent, who were professors and senior lecturers see the traditional practices of editorial peer review not to have been altered by the internet, while 45.9% rightly agreed that internet has actually altered the refereeing process. Further findings revealed that the 54.1% comprised the categories that could not operate the system, or accept change and does not have free access to computers and internet facilities. Recommendations were made as a way forward to enhance online processing of manuscript, since 94.2% of the respondents showed their readiness to use online publication.
Keywords: Internet, online publication, peer review process, editorial review, open review process
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 6(1): 36-41, 2010