A comparative study of the performance of low-density bentonite and econolite cement slurries was carried out. Parameters considered were thickening time, compressive strength, free fluid, and rheological properties among others. Results obtained indicated that while econolite slurries hydrated better in sea water, the hydration of bentonite recipes was better using fresh water. Thickening time profile also showed that bentonite slurries pumped longer than econolite slurries. Econolite slurries had higher compressive strength than bentonite at 12 hours and 24 hours respectively. The decision to use any of these additives will depend on the water type at a chosen location, operational constraints as well as cost-effectiveness of the slurry system.
Keywords: Slurry design, cement, bentonite, econolite
International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 5(4): 322-328, 2009